Our Shop Drawing Services
What We Offer
Optional PE Review
Value Add
Nirvana Services provides clients with an expert engineering team equipped with diverse skills to meet various challenges across industries. Through Blueprinting, we leverage our knowledge to reduce risk. We’re constantly looking for new advancements and technologies to find the smartest and most optimal solutions.
Standard custom service
High Performance
Our team is highly detail-oriented and can provide any level of detail needed for any project. The quantities that you feel is relevant to create a more transparent environment for great decision making are the quantities we want to provide, we will adapt and create solutions that best fit your needs.
Post tension detailing
More than quantities
In our Post tension details we give specific chair lists, and easy to understand tendon layouts. We use advanced theories on friction calcs to deliver elongation that will match field results more often.
Slab on Grade
Barrier Cable
Structural Steel Shop Drawings
High Performance
Our Structural steel shop drawings are clean and crisp. We make sure to measure twice so you only cut once.
Rebar shop drawings
Mild reinforcement is an understatement
No matter the scope of work or the complexity of the slab. Nirvana services will produce drawings to adapt to your specific needs.